These boots are made for walking

Ok, now I'm going to post about what I've seen.
First of all, I love Rouen. It's the large city very close (15 minute train ride and where I spend all my free time, basically) to Elbeuf. It's the place where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake, so you can imagine that it's an o

I also have been to Mont Saint Michel. It's an abbaye that's 500 years old, and built on rocks, so that when the tide comes in it's surrounded by water. It's all about stairs and climbing there, but it was worth it. More pictures:

I've also been to Caen and Rennes, but only briefly. We just stopped in Rennes kind of as a break on our way to Rennes, and went to the chateau. In Rennes we walked the streets at night (which was gorgeous, but not a way to take pictures to remember) and then the next day it rained. We went to a museum and learned about Brittany. I was very glad I took a class on human evolution, as so many tools and artifacts have been found in Brittany from the Neanderthals, but there really weren't very good explanations at the museum. Bah, tant pis. Here's Caen:

Then, at the end of my fall vacation (which was a week and a half, gotta love France) we went to Etretat, which is probably on my top 3 list of most beautiful places. Gorgeous. And it was a beautiful day. Mind you, it was still about 14 degrees C, but some English people were

I've been to Paris, too, but don't have pictures from that yet as someone else took all of them, but that's soon to come!
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