Life is pink

The adventures of an American ex-pat living in France.

Monday, December 18, 2006

for some giggles

So, now I just feel like sharing some of the random language-barrier type issues I've run into since I've been in France.

-instead of going to sign up for renter's assistance, I went into the family assistance office. They asked me if I already had children or was pregnant.

-In a conversation about U.S. politics, I called Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton's husband.

-I told a group of students that I don't like cheap wine, meaning to say spinach.

-I was asked why I didn't have a boyfriend by a co-worker (this was when I first got here), and although I tried to explain that I date but am too picky too commit, by the end of the conversation she thought I was a lesbian.

There have also been several that I haven't committed, but have witnessed.

-In attempting to hit on native English-speaking women (myself and several other assistants) a 17 year old boy told us that his "sex was big and tall". He also tried to convince me that he was 18 as he was showing me his I.D. card that said he was born in 1989.

That's all I can think of right now. But if I can think of others, I'll add them. Ahhh, language barriers, gotta love them.


At 1:52 PM, Blogger Erica said...

So you're a pregnant lesbian cheap wine hating American ... it could be worse, you could be an American tourist in France wearing bad shorts and sandles with socks!


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